SHELL MODE ========== To use phpMyBackupPro you need to have it installed as described in INSTALL.txt. Then you can use the script like this and also as a cronjob: php backup.php db1[,db2,...] [1 [0 [0 [1 [path1,[path2,...]]]]] The first argument contains all databases you want to backup. They must be separated by commas. The second argument specifies whether tables should be backed up (1) or not (0). The third argument specifies whether data should be backed up (1) or not (0). The fourth argument specifies whether the backup should contain 'drop table ...' (1) or not (0). The fifth argument specifies whether the backup should be gzipped (1) or not (0). The sixth argument can contain the directory paths you want to backup. They must be separated by commas. FTP must be enabled in 'configuration' to use the directory backup function! All arguments but the first are optional. If you want to use for example the fifth argument, you have to specify all preceding parameters. Examples: php backup.php db1 1 0 1 Will backup the table structure of db1 and will add 'drop table ...' but will not save the data nor compress it. php backup.php db1,db2 1 1 1 1 folder1/,../../folder2/,../folder3/folder4/ Will backup db1 and db2 with data and structure, will add 'drop table ...' and will gzip the backups. Also the files in the directories folder1, folder2 and folder 4 will be saved to the FTP server. The files in folder3 will NOT be saved!